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图文:周恩来陪同尼克松在赴杭州的飞机上 2002年02月20日19:31 《中美关系30年》画册





  On February 26,1972,Premier Zhou Enlai accompanied President Richard Nixon on the way to Hangzhou.After visiting Hangzhou,Nixon and his party flew to Shanghai.

  On February 28,1972,both sides signed the Sino—US Joint Communique(also Known as Shanghai Communique)in Shanghai.Both sides stated in the Communique that“the normalization of the bilateral relations between China and the United States is consistent with the interest of all nations.”On the Taiwan question,the Chinese side reiterated the principle of“one China”and insisted that all the American armed forces and military facilities withdraw from Taiwan.The American side stated“no objection to this stance”and“affirmed the ultimate target of withdrawing all the American armed forces and military facilities from Taiwan.”

  The Sino—US Joint Communique is the first document signed by China and the United States to guide their bilateral relations.Its publication signalled the ending of the separation between the two nations and the beginning of relationship normalization.



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