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图文:邓小平会见美国副总统乔治-布什访华 2002年02月20日21:26 《中美关系30年》画册



  From May 5-9, 1982, George Bush, Vice-President of the United States, visited China. He came on this visit against the backdrop that both the official talks and un-official consultations between China and the United States over the sale of American arms to Taiwan were locked in stalemate. On May 5, while meeting Vice-President Bush, Deng Xiaoping. Vice-Chiarman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, pointed out that the issue of selling arms to Taiwan by the United States had cast a shadow over the Sino-US relations and become by that time a potential crisis. He further pointed out that if this knot in the relations between the two countries could be undone, the global strategy would benefit. Two months later after Bush's visit to China, American Ambassador to China Arthur W.Hummel, Jr submitted to the Chinese side the draft joint communique on the settlement of the issue of selling arms to Taiwan by the United States drawn up by the American side. After negotiations, both sides reached agreement. On August 17, the two countries issued The Joint Communique of the People's Republic of China and the United States of America (also known as the "Augst 17 Communique"),aiming to settle the issue of selling arms to Taiwan by the United States. The Sino-US relations entered a new period of development.



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