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图文:美方人员在广西桂林接受美军机组人员遗骨 2002年02月20日21:49 《中美关系30年》画册



  A day in October, 1996, a farmer was gathering medicinal herbs on the Ma
o'er Mountain in Xing'an County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, when he found the wreckage of a US military plane, wich had crashed in a mission in support of China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression during the Second World War, and the remains of the crew members. In November 1996, when meeting with President Clinton in Manila, the Philippines, President Jiang Zemin told Clinton about the discovery and passed on the photos and videotapes to Clinton. Clinton expressed his thanks. US personnel took over the remains of the crew members of the US military plane in Guilin, Guangxi.



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