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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004年01月23日12:19 今晚报

  天津积木美语培训学校教授 [澳大利亚] 里欧莉 摄(为了方便参赛者投稿,本报特设邮箱:)

  In the picture, there is a foreigner named AlexanderBeitingerwith a cake. He was my work mate from Canada. January21,2004marked the eve of the monkey year and the first birthday ofhim inTian Jin. Alexander came and gave me the cake excitedly likealittle boy. I immediately took the picture.

  Tianjin Edgewood American English Training School professorMs.Leonie Belinfante took.

  The outlook of TianJin in foreigner`eyes`photographycompetition is waiting for you. The E-mail of thedepartment ofphotography and painting of Evening Tonight is .

  Contributions are welcome.

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