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世界银行:油价暴涨等因素构成对东亚2005年威胁 2004年11月09日09:06 中国广播网














  在报告结尾处有一个专题部分题为“加强东亚投资环境”。这部分根据对五个国家6500多个企业所作的调查,记录了东亚地区企业面临的关键性制约和问题。这部分针对各国为减少不确定性,降低投资成本和提高回报率可以立即采取的具体措施提出了建议,并对这些措施进行了优先排序,包括提高法院裁决和法规解释的可预见性,降低宏观经济风险,减少经营管制、劳动力灵活性不足和官僚主义,遏制行贿受贿和腐败现象,提高电力供应和其他基础设施服务的可靠性,强化技能培训等。附英文稿EastAsiaregion set to grow by healthy 7 percent in 2004Oil pricespikes,other global uncertainties threaten to mar 2005

  East Asia’s economies are growing at their swiftest pacesincebefore the financial crisis with fewer people than ever livinginextreme poverty, according to the latest East Asia andPacificRegional Update, the World Bank’s twice-yearly look at theregion’seconomies.

  Economic growth is expected to top 7 percent for East AsiaandPacific (excluding Japan), while developing economies in theregionare expected to expand by more than 8 percent. High growth isbeingexperienced by middle income and poor economies alike.Exportsshould turn in their strongest performance since 1988,supported bydemand from China, the global recovery, a rebound inthe globalhigh-tech industry, and strong commodity prices.Investment hasalso recovered, contributing half of aggregate demandgrowth. Thisstrong performance has lifted 40 million East Asiansout ofpoverty, mostly in China, Indonesia, Thailand andVietnam.

  “We are estimating that by the end of this year, the numberofpeople living on less than $2 a day will be around one third oftheregion’s population. Even excluding China, the absolute numberofpoor would be at their lowest level ever, finally overcomingthehigher poverty created by the 1997 crisis,” said RegionalVicePresident for East Asia and Pacific Mr. Jemal-ud-din Kassum.“Thisexpansion is happening during a time of major politicaladvanceswith a sweep of legislative and presidential elections,includingIndonesia’s first ever direct election of a president,capping whatlooks like being a remarkable year for the region.”

  Yet, amid these successes, there are growing concerns thattheoutlook for 2005 may be less favorable and more uncertain.Thespike in oil prices, slower growth in rich countries, anddownturnsin the high-tech and commodity cycles are all unfavorabletrendsfor East Asia. Major global macroeconomic balances, inparticularrecord U.S. current account deficits and East Asiansurpluses, andthe investment boom in China, still need to broughtontosustainable paths, intensifying the risks facing theregion.

  “Although 2004 has been a strong year, recent data alsosuggestthat the recovery in East Asia has peaked, and thateconomicactivity is shifting into lower gear,” said Mr. HomiKharas, ChiefEconomist for the East Asia and Pacific Region. “Therisks wetalked about in previous editions of the Regional Updateareintensifying, making the outlook more uncertain.”

  The consensus view is that growth in the developedworld,including the United States, Japan, and Europe, willslowtemporarily but build into a sustained expansion. AlthoughChinasgrowth, investment and imports might also slow gradually,thiswould be more sustainable and add a measure of stability totheregional economy.

  “Policy measures to cool down the economy are starting toshowsome success, but it is too early to call the end of theinvestmentboom that has become known as ‘overheating.’ Bert Hofman,LeadEconomist for China said, noting that underlying incentivesforoverinvestment have not changed. “At the same time, therecentincrease in interest rates, while modest, is encouraging, asitshows the authorities willingness to use this instrumentwhenneeded, and signals a further move to moremarket-basedmacroeconomic management.”

  For China, the World Bank expects that, withunderlyinginflationary pressures projected to remain limited,drasticmacroeconomic measures to cool down the economy are unlikelyto beimminent, and if the economy lands at all, it is likely to beasoft landing. Fears of a hard landing also remain limited inlightof continued strong demand indicators in recent months. TheWorldBank expect GDP growth to ease to 9? percent for 2004 as awholeand around 8 percent in 2005.

  The steep spike in global oil prices will increase the oilimportbill for emerging East Asia by US$25 billion this year,reducingthe incomes of the majority of regional economies that arenetenergy importers, as well as the region’s primary exportmarketslike Japan, the US, and Europe.

  “The impact of higher oil prices could shave 0.5 to 1percentagepoints off growth rates in the region next year,” Mr.Kharas said,“with countries like the Philippines, Thailand andKorea at theupper end of this range.”

  Also of concern is the nature of adjustment required to reducethesize of current account surpluses in East Asia and deficits intheUnited States. “The best contribution East Asian economies canmakeis to reduce their surpluses by expanding domesticprivateinvestment and further liberalizing trade, especially inservices,”added Mr. Kharas.What should policymakers do?

  A key issue for policy makers, the report says, is to nurturetherecent investment recovery in the region by strengtheningtheinvestment climate, so that the recovery is sustained throughthepresent period of global uncertainties and cyclicalslowdown.

  “Rather than fretting too much about a cyclical slowdown thatisinevitable to some extent, the focus is better placed onnurturingthe emerging recovery in private investment,” said LeadEconomistMr. Milan Brahmbhatt, principal author of the RegionalUpdate.Increases in investment would broaden the recovery beyondthelimitations of the current drivers of growth, exports andconsumerdemand. “Export growth could be crimped by the cyclicalfactors andthe global outlook, and private consumption growth hasits dangerswhen it is boosted by rapid growth in household credit,as recentlyshown in Korea and Hong Kong (China),” according toMr.Brahmbhatt.

  A Special Focus section at the end of the report,entitled“Strengthening the Investment Climate in East Asia”documents thekey constraints and problems faced by firms in EastAsia, based onresponses from over 6500 businesses in fivecountries. The sectionpoints to country-specific actions that canbe taken immediately toreduce uncertainty, lower the costs ofinvesting and increasereturns. It prioritizes among getting greaterpredictability incourt judgments and interpretation of regulations,reducingmacroeconomic risk, cutting business regulation,laborinflexibility and red tape, reducing bribes andcorruption,improving the reliability of power and otherinfrastructureservices, and building skills.来源:中国广播网 责编:金风

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