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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年04月12日14:30 中国气象影视信息网

  2006 年4月11日,星期二


  I've got a sandstorm blowin' in my head

  I'm seein' many colours but the one that's coming through is red

  It's stoppin' me dead tryin' to make some tracks but my feet are feeling like a lead

  Stop being blead, stop being blead

  Oh, my things aren't the same

  Anyone could see that if I stayed much longer I'd be tamed

  We stopped playing games

  I'm not pointing fingers but I'm not taking all the blame

  Playin' all your games, taking all your blames

  Let me take you by the hand

  Try to understand, walk me to a land, try to understand

  I ain't nothing but a man

  I've got a sandstorm blowin' in my head

  I'm seein' many colours but the only one that's coming through is red

  You know how we feel, we can't go on pretending

  And we've just got to fix the deal

  Gotta make it real, gotta make it real






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