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韦氏词典新增热词 2006年08月15日03:34 舜网-济南时报

  近日,100个热门新词被收入2006年新版的美国畅销词典《韦氏大词典》中。Mouse potato(网虫)跟couch potato(电视虫)走到一起;google正式成为一个动词;drama queen(小题大做、大惊小怪的人)终于得到关注。这些词语终于登堂入室,从通俗文化行列转入英语主流语言。现从中挑选出一些如下:

  empty suit:bad boss,坏老板;google:look for information on the Intern
et in a quick way 搜索,在互联网上快速查找信息;

  himbo:attractive, vacuous male,徒有外表却无内涵的男人;

  spyware:software that is installed in a computer without the user’s knowledge and transmits information about the user’s computer activities over the internet,间谍软件;

  soul patch:a small growth of beard under a man’s lower lip,男人下唇下面的一小撮胡子;

  wave pool:a large swimming pool equipped with a machine for producing waves,冲浪泳池;

  drama queen:a person given to often excessively emotional performances or reactions,小题大做、大惊小怪的人;

  Sandwich Generation:a generation of people who are caring for their aging parents while supporting their own children,三明治一代(上有老下有小的一代人)。


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