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A Brief Introdution on China Youth Daily 2006年10月19日14:35 新浪文化

  China Youth Daily is the second largest one among the nationwide comprehensive daily newspapers in China with an audience of 10 million.

  China Youth Daily, started publication on April 27, 1951, is a nationwide, influential and comprehensive daily newspaper mainly targeting on an audience of Chinese young people.

  Presently, China Youth Daily takes “Promoting Social Advancement and Helping Youth Development” as its holy responsibility. Numerous young people grow up to succeed as they read China Youth Daily which has 35 journalist stations allover China and 5 standing journalist stations in U.S.A., Japan, Russia, France and EU.

  China Youth Daily promptly makes news coverage on the events in domestic and abroad with unique and impersonal angle of view. Meanwhile, China Youth Daily actively advocates new thinking and new ideas.


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