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A Brief Introdution on Beijing Geely University 2006年10月19日19:16 新浪文化

  The university is now comprised of 17 colleges, with over 70 newly created majors (orientations) well adapted to the development of market economy. To achieve the goal of training well-balanced professionals with practical skills, the university had invested 500 million RMB by 2004, both in educational facilities and in campus construction. The total building area now covers 430 thousand square metres.

  Among the features of Beijing Geely university are: its guiding principle “ to be the best in China”, its goal “to rank among the top 20 in 20 years”, its educational ideals “sufficient theory, strong practical competence, sci-tech innovative abilities and a personality-based education”, and its 3G projects � gigantic buildings, great masters and grand ideologies. During the past five years, remarkable achievements have been made which have won a broad public recognition and many official commendations.


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