连州国际摄影年展组委会构成信息 | |||||||||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年11月27日18:41 新浪文化 | |||||||||
顾问:杨秋光(中共连州市委书记、连州市人大主任) 廖加见(连州市政协主席) 梁建辉(连州市人大常务副主任)
主任:林文钊(中共连州市委副书记、连州市人民政府市长) 常务副主任:唐桂林(连州市人民政府副市长) 段煜婷(连州国际摄影年展总策展人) 副主任:唐先明(中共连州市委常委、宣传部部长) 林为民(连州市人民政府副市长) 潘伟(清远日报社社长、总编辑) 成员:丘雄华(中共连州市委常委、公安局局长) 李成娟(中共连州市委常委、市委办主任) 罗门生(连州市人民政府市长助理) 谢志明(连州市人民政府办公室主任) 邓威灵(连州市旅游局局长) 黄誉建(连州市文广局局长) 张粤乾(连州市统战部副部长、民宗局局长) 曹春生(连州市文联主席) 成茂军(连州市财政局局长) 陈雄俊(连州市交通局局长) 胡本良(连州市经贸局局长) 唐建信(连州市农业局局长) 谢凯华(连州市外经贸局局长) 夏海华(连州市市政局局长) 肖阳青(连州市教育局局长) 李海波(连州市卫生局局长) 谭丽(连州市团委书记) 曾威汉(瀚域文化传播有限公司董事) 阳飞海(广州市瀚域文化传播有限公司设计总监) 郑伟文(清远日报地方新闻部主任) 杨格亮(清远日报记者部副主任) Executive Board Consultants: Yang Qiuguang (Secretary of Lianzhou City Government) Liao Jiajian (Chairman of Lianzhou City Government) Liang Jianhui (Vice Deputy of Lianzhou People’s Congress) Chairman: Lin Wen Zhao (Mayor and Vice Secretary of Lianzhou City Government) Executive Directors: Tang Guilin (Vice Mayor of Lianzhou City Government) Duan Yuting (Chief Curator of Lianzhou International Photofestival) Deputy Directors: Tang Xian Ming (Member of Lianzhou Communist Party, Minister Department of Public Affairs) Lin Weimin (Vice Mayor of Lianzhou City Government) Pan Wei (Documentary Photographer, Chief Editor of Qing Yuan Daily) Board Members: Qiu Xionghua (Director of Lianzhou Police Bureau) Li Chengjuan (Director of Lianzhou City Government Office) Luo Mensheng (Mayor Assistant of Lianzhou City Government) Xie Zhiming (Director of Lianzhou People Government Office) Deng Weiling (Director of Lianzhou Travel Bureau) Huang Yujian (Director of Lianzhou Cultural Bureau) Zhang Yueqian (Director of The United Front Work Department and Minorites and Religion) Cao Chunsheng (Chairman of Lianzhou Cultural Association) Cheng Maojun (Director of Lianzhou Financial Bureau) Chen Xiongjun (Director of Bureau of Communications) Hu Benliang (Director Bureau for Economy and Trade) Tang Jianxin (Director of Lianzhou Agricultural Bureau) Xie Kaihua (Director of Foreign Economy and Trade Bureau) Xia Haihua (Director of Lianzhou City Council) Xiao Yangqing (Director of Lianzhou Department of Education) Li Haibo (Director of Department of Health) Tan Li (Secretary of Lianzhou Communist Youth League) Zeng Weihan (Director, Hanyu Media) Jan Verhein (Creative Director, Hanyu Media) Zheng Weiwen (Deputy of the Press Department, Qingyuan Daily) Yang Geliang (Deputy of the Journalist Department, Qingyuan Daily) 展览指导委员会:(排名按姓氏笔划,不分先后) 于文国(中国新闻摄影学会副会长、《工人日报》摄影部主任、著名摄影家) 王苗 (摄影家、香港《中国旅游》总编) 邓启耀(中山大学传播与设计学院常务副院长、教授、博士生导师) 邓维 (中国摄影家协会副主席、《经济日报》摄影部主任、著名摄影家) 吕厚民(前中国摄影家协会党组书记) 朱宪民(中国摄影家协会副主席) 任丰(广东省青年摄影家协会副主席) 李伟坤 (广东省摄影家协会主席) 陈俊年(广东省新闻出版局党组书记、局长) 陈俊生 (广东省摄影家协会副主席兼秘书长) 陈安 (广州市摄影家协会主席) 张建设(著名肖像摄影家、全国政协首席摄影) 张洪潮(《羊城晚报》报业集团编委,《新快报》社总编辑) 张晓蓉(《中国摄影报》副总编辑) 吴常云(《中国摄影》总编辑) 郑国明(香港影联摄影学会永远名誉会长、英国皇家摄影学会高级会士) 贺延光(《中国青年报》图片总监、著名摄影家) 祝记源(连州市人大主任、香港影联摄影学会高级会士) 高琴 (《大众摄影》总编辑) 梁演锴(广东省摄影家协会副主席) 解海龙(中国摄影家协会副主席兼副秘书长) 潘伟 (《清远日报》社长兼总编辑、连州摄影年展组委会副主任) 霍玮 (《人民摄影》报总编辑) 崔惠兰(《摄影之友》总编辑) 李全 (《中国摄影报》副总编辑,中国摄影家协会新闻纪实摄影委员会秘书长) Board of Exhibition Advisers Chen Junnian Deputy secretary of Guang Dong News Publishing Administration Chen Junsheng Vice-Director of Art and Calligraphy Photo Department of Guangdong Literature and Art Association Chen An Chairman of Guangzhou Photo Association Cui Huilan Chief Editor of Friends Photo Deng Qiyao Zhong Shan University: Dean of Communication and Design School, Professor Deng Wei Vice-Chairman of China Photo Association, Photo Department major of ‘Economy Daily’ Gao Qin Chief Editor of Popular Photography He Yanguang Photo Department Major of ‘ China Youth’ Huo Wei Chief Editor of People’s Photography Li Quan Deputy Editor of 'China Photo' Li Weikun President of Guangdong Photographers Association Liang Yankai Vice-Chairman and Secretary-general of Guangdong Photo Association Lv Houmin Former Secretary, Party Leadership Group of China Photographers Association Pan Wei Editor in Chief of Qing Yuan Daily Ren Feng Vice-Chairman of Guangdong Youth Photo Association Wang Miao Photographer, Chief Editor of China Tourism, HK Wu Changyun Chief Editor of Chinese Photography Yu Wenguo Vice-Chairman of China Photo News Association, Photo Department Major of ‘Workers Daily’ Zhang Hongchao Chief Editor of News Express Zhang Jianshe Premier photographer in National Government. Zhang Xiaorong Deputy Editor of ‘China Photo’ Zheng Guoming Honorary president of Hong Kong United Artist Photographic Association Zhu Xianmin Vice President of China Photographers Association Zhu Jiyuan Deputy of People’s Congress of Lianzhou Xie Hailong: Vice director of Chinese Photographers Association 学术策划与主持: 杨小彦(中山大学传播与设计学院新闻传播学系主任、副教授、博士) Chief Academic Planner & Chairman Yang Xiaoyan, PhD, Associate Professor, Chairperson of Department of Communication, Zhongshan University School of Communitcation and Design 学术委员会:(排名按姓氏笔划,不分先后) 王璜生(广东美术馆馆长、在读博士、美术理论家、艺术家、艺术活动家及策展人) 王征 (摄影家、中国摄影家协会大型活动办公室主任) 王景春(《南方都市报》图片部总监、摄影家) 司苏实(原《人民摄影报》主编、平遥国际摄影节创始人与策划人调研员、影像理论家) A. D. 柯曼 (摄影评论家,美国摄影评论档案馆总裁) 冯原 (中山大学传播与设计学院艺术设计学系主任、副教授、博士、城市与公共艺术学者) 朱大可(文学评论家、上海大学中文系教授) 安妮•威尔克斯•塔克尔(著名策展人、美国休斯顿美术馆策展人) 安哥 (原中新社广东分社记者、摄影家及摄影活动家) 刘博智(美国堪萨斯大学摄影教授) 刘珩(哈佛大学建筑学在读博士、霍英东基金会设计师、2005连州国际摄影年展空间总设计师) 汪民安(表年哲学家、北京第二外国语学院教授) 那日松:(《摄影之友》前任主编,法国华榭集团《Photo》杂志中国版主编) 陈小波(新华社资深图片编辑、摄影评论家) 陈卫星(中国传媒大学国际传播学院教授、博士、博士生导师、传播学者) 陈丹青(清华大学美术学院教授、博士生导师、艺术家、散文家) 李公明(广州美术学院美术学系主任、教授、文化学者、美术理论家) 李洁军(《新快报》编委、摄影家) 李永林(解放军艺术学院艺术系教授、博士、美术理论家) 李媚 (原《现代摄影》、《焦点》杂志主编、图片编辑、摄影活动家及策展人) 林路 (摄影理论家、上海师范大学人文学院教授) 阿兰•朱利安 (法国著名摄影策展人、平遥国际摄影节创始人与策划人、摄影家) 张新民(纪实摄影家、《蛇口消息报》视觉总监) 胡武功(摄影家、陕西省摄影家协会主席) 郭力昕(美国爱荷华大学新闻传播硕士、摄影评论工作者、台湾政治大学传播学院讲师) 郭晓彦(广东美术馆策展办公室主任、艺术策展人) 高华 (历史学家、南京大学历史系博导) 顾铮 (上海复旦大学新闻学院教授、博士、影像学家、摄影家) 崔卫平(北京电影学院教授) 鲍昆 (摄影家、摄影理论家) 颜长江(《羊城晚报》摄影部主任、摄影家) 段煜婷(《新快报》图片总监、连州国际摄影年展组委会副主任) Board of Academics and Curators A. D. Coleman Photography Critic,Executive Director of Photography Criticism CyberArchive Alian Jullien Curator, founder of PIPand VISA Photo Festival in France An Ge Journalist of former China News Agency Guangzhou Office, Photographer Anne Wilkes Tucker Curator of Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA Bao Kun Photographer and Photographic Theorist Chen Danqing Professor of Fine Arts Institute, Qinghua University, Artist Chen Weixing International Communication , China Media College. Professor, PhD. Chen Xiaobo Picture editor of Xinhua News Agency, photographic essayist Cui Weiping Professor of Beijing Film Academy Duan Yuting Picture Editing Director of News Express, photographer Feng Yuan Deputy Major in Art design and Communication, Zhongshan University. Associate professor. Gao Hua Historian, Ph. D Tutor of History, Nanjing University Gu Zheng PhD, Professor of Journalism School, Fu Dan University. Photographic theorist and photographer. Urban scholar, public artist Guo Lixin Photo critic from Taiwan, instructor of Taiwan Politics University Guo Xiaoyan Deputy major of Guang Dong Art Museum, art curator Hu Wugong Photographer, Chairman of Shanxi Photographers Association Lau Pok Chi Professor of Photography, The University of Kansas Li Gongming Dean of Arts department, Guangzhou Fine Arts Institute. Professor, culture scholar Li Jiejun ‘News Express’ Board Member, photographer Li Mei Former chief editor of‘Modern Photo’and ‘Focus’, photographer and curator Li Yonglin PLA Art Institute, professor, Ph,D. Lin Lu Photographic Theorist, Professor of Humanities, Shanghai Normal University Liu Heng 2005 Space designer in Chief of Lianzhou International Photofestival Na Risong Managing Editor of Photo Si Sushi Former editor-in-chief of People’s Photo Daily. Founder of Pingyao International Photo Festival Wang Huangsheng Director of Guangdong Art Museum, artist and curator, PhD Wang Jingchun Picture editing director of ‘Southern City Daily’, photographer Wang Min’an Philosopher, Professor of Beijing International Studies University Wang Zheng Office deputy of Chinese Photographers Association Yan Changjiang Director of photography department ‘Yang Cheng Evening Newspaper’, photographer Zhang Xinmin Documentary Photographer, Visual director of SheKou News ,Shenzhen Zhu Dake Literature Critic, Professor of Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Shanghai University | |||||||||