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写作训练(2005年1月20日) 2005年01月20日10:14 合肥报业网-江淮晨报

  合肥晚报The Song of My 2004

  2005 is comimg .But I can't forget my 2004.It was areallybeautiful song .

  I'm a middle school student and I like to
write articles aboutmylife and the things around me very much .The happiest thing istoread my article on the newspaper .

  One day I got 20 yuan for my article.Maybe it was a smallnumberof money to some people but for me it was big enough .″Howdo Iuse the money ﹖I should use it in the center way ″ I thought.Ofcourse I wouldn't use it to buy toys snacks or something else.Iwould buy some things for study like pens notebooks.I didn'twantto use my parents' money .It would be more meaningful to use myownmoney .

  When I heard a little girl called HuiHui lost he mother Iknewwhat I should do .Our school held a donating activity.Icontributed the rest of the money to the little girl .I foundthebest way to spend my money .

  Money is very useful to us and we should know its value .Weshoulduse it properly.That will bring us more happiness andjoy.

  You seemy 2004 was really valuable .And the song of my﹖ I learned a lot in my 2004.It was precious formyfuture.Dear friendslet us listen to the song of your 2004youwillfind many wonderful music pieces that were wrote byyourself四十五中八(8)班 贾之琳



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