英国泰晤士报27日报道,白宫26日晚警告称,如果所泄露情报中提到的安全部队与塔利班相勾结的内容得到证实,那么美国向巴基斯坦提供的数十亿美元就可能陷入危险。当前,美国及巴基斯坦的多个分析家小组正在调查 92,000 份被维基泄密网公布的机密文件,以调查联军部队所面临的潜在危险并寻找有关泄露者身份的线索。
Leaks: US aid to Pakistan at risk over ‘Taleban links’
Giles Whittell, Washington and Tom Coghlan
July 27 2010 12:01AM
The White House warned last night that billions of dollars in aid to Pakistan could be at risk if leaked intelligence reports prove that its security forces are colluding with the Taleban. President Obama’s spokesman ruled out a “blank cheque” to Islamabad as the Pentagon launched an investigation to hunt down the source of the biggest intelligence leak in US history。
Teams of analysts in the US and Pakistan were assigned to comb the 92,000 dociments released by the WikiLeaks website, looking for potential risks to coalition forces, and for clues about who released them. Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, appeared at a London press conference claiming that the papers contained evidence of war crimes by US death squads。 (节选部分)
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