
金融时报:甘地突发病情 与卡梅伦会面延期

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年07月30日09:58  新浪传媒

  金融时报2010年7月29日头条:甘地突发病情  与卡梅伦会面被迫延期


  Illness stops Gandhi-Cameron meeting

  A medical emergency prevented Sonia Gandhi, president of India’s ruling Congress party and widely regarded as the most powerful person in the country, from meeting David Cameron, the UK’s prime minister, on Thursday。

  A close aide of Rahul Gandhi, Mrs Gandhi's son and a Congress party leader, said the circumstances surrounding the Gandhi family’s failure to meet Mr Cameron would become clear on Friday. He described Mr Gandhi as having had to travel outside of Delhi but declined to give further details for security reasons。

  The widow of slain former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi unusually did not appear for the opening of the monsoon parliament earlier this week. Her sudden absence, became clear on Thursday. (节选部分)

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