

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年08月03日14:36  新浪传媒



  BP winds down clean-up but oil keeps washing in

  BP is removing thousands of yards of protective boom and preparing to lay off clean-up workers despite evidence that fresh waves of oil are blighting sensitive wetlands along the US coast of the Gulf of Mexico。

  The Times found miles of thickly coated marshlands on the day that BP and the US Coast Guard declared that their response to the oil spill had been so successful that they could start winding it down。

  Today, BP will begin the delicate process of permanently sealing the well a mile beneath the surface by pumping in mud and cement. The vast oil slick out in the Gulf has disappeared — submerged by two million gallons of dispersants — but there is broad disagreement about how long the effects of pollution will endure。


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