

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年08月13日11:01  新浪传媒



  Iraq borders at risk in pullout

  A future U.S. presence could be a deterrent, commanders say。

  Iraq will need U.S. military support for as much as a decade to defend its borders because the Iraqi army won’t be ready to guard the country when American troops leave at the end of 2011, according to U.S. and Iraqi commanders。

  Commanders say they are reasonably confident of the Iraqi security forces’ ability to keep order while facing insurgents or other internal threats. But when it comes to their capacity to protect against attacks from other nations, it is inconceivable that the Iraqi army will be able to stand alone by the time U.S. troops go home,said Army Lt. Gen. Michael Barbero, commander of the U.S. military training program in Iraq。(节选部分)

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