

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年08月17日10:57  新浪传媒



  Blair’s £5m donation ‘to repair his reputation’

  Tony Blair’s decision to donate all of the proceeds from his memoirs to charity was influenced by the desire to repair his reputation, his close friends conceded yesterday. The former Prime Minister is to give the £4.6 million advance for his book, A Journey, and all the royalties from British and worldwide sales to the Royal British Legion. The final sum, likely to be more than £5 million, would be by far the biggest individual donation in the organisation’s history。

  The move is seen by former Cabinet ministers as an attempt to rebuild a reputation heavily damaged since he left office in 2007 — not only by Iraq, but by adverse publicity about his “money-making exploits”. The Times has been told that Mr Blair had decided “before he put pen to paper”(节选部分)

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