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Russell T. Lewis,《纽约时报》的CEO

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004年02月18日12:28 青年参考

  Lewis,age 51, CEO since: 1997, made major stridestowardreinventing the Times as a national newspaper. Along withchairmanArthur Sulzberger Jr., Lewis coordinated a $1 billion planthat,among other things, introduced color. The two also transformedthepaper into a six-section daily, opened printing plantsinWashington, D.C., and Boston to improve northeasterndistribution,and pushed the national edition into dozens of newmarkets.


  Business philosophy:“The collective intellect and industry ofagroup yields greater results than any one individual.


  True story: While on active duty as a NationalGuardsmandelivering U.S. mail during a postal strike, he secretlygatheredinformation for a Times story. Narrowly avoidedcourt-martial butwon a National Publishers award.


  Management Style:“Im more interested in making sure we havethecenter people in the center places than in telling people whattodo.


  Strength: Getting people with different styles, ideas,andbackgrounds to cooperate.


  Weakness: Untested in standing up to the Sulzberger familyduringcrisis or recession.


  Headaches: A slowdown in traditional newspaper advertising.Theproliferation of media choices, especially the Internet,threatento cannibalize both readership and prestige.


  Habits: Out the door by 6:15 a.m. Prefers face-to-face meetingstoE-mail or phone calls.


  Increasing circulation by a quarter of a million copies dailyandby 300,000 on Sunday in ten years. Opening four newprinting-plantsites and increasing the number of registered userson the TimesWeb site from 6.2 million to 9 million by yearsend.


  Personal goal: To protect the 150-year Times not only asabusiness but as an institution vital to thenationalconscience.



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