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Samoan MP hits out at growing Chinese influence

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005年01月21日12:04 新华网

  GLGLo0075 ASI/AFP-FO60-u i Samoa-China-racism 01-21 0252 SamoanMPhits out at growing Chinese influenceATTENTION - Day anddatecorrect ///

  APIA, Jan 20 (AFP) - A Samoan politician has been accusedofracism afterclaiming there were too many Chinese in the countryandthey were buying upland and businesses which should remain inthehands of local people.In a later attempt to calm reaction tohisoutburst, MP Aeau Peniamina saidThursday he was not referringtodescendants of Chinese who married Samoansearly lastcentury.Theyare not Chinese. They are all Samoans, he said.But hewasunrepentant about his reference to new Chinese, with nobloodtiesto Samoa.The question is how did they get here? saidAeau, a mrof theopposition Samoa Democratic United Party.I worryabout thefuture of the country. Samoa is too small forChinese.Aeauspecifically singled out Chinese businessman FrankieCai whoownsseveral supermarkets and recently made headline news bybuyingthe landmarkMolesi Samoa supermarket.Prime MinisterTuilaepaSailele Malielegaoi called Aeau a racist and saidsomethinglikethis shouldnt happen in parliament.He also noted theoppositionlooked foolish because Cai is Chinese-Samoan.TourismMinister JoeKeil, who is part Chinese, said Cai had been aresidentof Samoa for15 years, a citizen of 10 years, and was married toaSamoanwoman.Another part-Chinese government MP, Tuiloma PuleLameko,described Aeausremarks asmostinappropriate.aah/cf/agSamoa-China-racismAFP 210345 GMT JAN05

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