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山东省青岛第二中学八十华诞校庆公告 2005年06月23日15:33 中国新闻网









  校 址:中国青岛高科园松岭路70号

  邮 编:266061

  联系人:闫洪全 韩潇

  电 话:86-532-8907432 8907457

  传 真:86-532-8907457

  网 址

  Qingdao No.2 Middle School 80thestablishmentanniversary announcement

  Time flies. With the development of our society andcommunistcountry, Qingdao No.2 Middle School has developed for 80yearsuntil the year 2005.

  In the past 80 years, Qingdao No.2 Middle School hasdevelopedform JIAOAO girls’school into a famous key high school ofShandongprovince. Qingdao No.2 Middle School considers humanbeing’scivilization and social progress as her duties. And makegreatcontribution to our country’s education andmodernizationconstruction.

  In the past 80 years, Qingdao No.2 Middle School haschangedaddresses for several times just because of the extensionofdimensions and the development of education facilities. Nowamodern campus stands in the east of Qingdao; In the past 80years,keeping with the pace of time, Qingdao No.2 Middle Schoolhasrenewed its education beliefs, aiming to found aninternationalfamous school; In the past 80 years, our school hasachieved greatsuccess in school-running,with her successfulexperience plays anactive and radiate pary all over Shandongprovince.; In the past 80years, a lot of excellent people hasgraduated from No.2 MiddleSchool. So many outstanding alumni havemade great contributions intheir own positions.

  In the past 80 years, our school has got so many helps fromthewhole society, form the party and government, and also fromalumnihome and abroad. Here we’d like to give you all oursincerelyrespect and thanks.

  This 80 years is an important period in the process of No.2MiddleSchool’s development and it is also an important opportunityfor ourschool’s innovation. During the period of our school’sestablishmentanniversary, we will hold conversazione, speech,sodality andperfomances for our schoolfellows. During the pretiveperiod, ourschool will have international education communicationcenter, somesculptures and exhibition of the school’s historyunderconstruction. We sincerely welcome essential helps andsupport fromhome and abroad shoolfellows as well as people who areconcerned insociey.

  Dear alumni, please write down your most impressive memorywhenyou were at No.2 Middle School as a memoir and send to usbyE-mail. Please log on our website as soon as you seethisannouncement and give us your priceless advice.

  The headmaster of Qingdao No.2 Middle School Mr. Sun Xianliang,inbehalf of all staff from No. 2 Middle School, sincerely welcometheleaders, alumni and other people who are concerned to come toourschool.

  Time of establishment aniversary: Wednesday, October 5th,2005Wewill inform you about the progress and arrangement ofpretionthrough website and media.

  Qingdao No. 2 Middle School

  January,2005Ps: Please contact:

  Qingdao No.2 Middle School

  Address: No. 70 Songling Road, high tech park, Qingdao,P.RChina

  Post Code: 266061

  Linkman: Mr. Yan Hongquan, Mr. Han Xiao

  Tel: 86-532-8907432 8907457

  Fax: 86-532-8907457

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