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Nanning Declaration(南宁宣言) 2005年09月02日14:21 人民网

  In such a beautiful autumn, we gather here in Nanning,GuangxiAutonomous Region of China toreview the economic andsocialchallenges facing China-ASEAN. We recognize theimportanceofstrengthening legal exchange and cooperation on suchissues andchallenges facing China-ASEAN.We further recognize thenecessity oflaws to promote mutual understanding and trustamongthis region, toguarantee trade and establishing free tradezone and to improve thestability,prosperity and common develo

pmentof this region.

  Firmly convinced that through dialogue, exchange andcooperationamongst the China-ASEAN lawprofessionals, it will helpto promotethe legal construction and research of each country,tocement anddeepen economic ties, enhance trade and investment withintheregion and thesustained development of all-roundcooperativepartnership between China-ASEAN.

  Therefore, we cordially declare:

  1.China-ASEAN Top Forum on Legal Cooperation andDevelopment(CATFLCD) be established underthe laws of the People’sRepublic ofChina.

  2.The forum will be guided by the Vision, Mission andStrategiesenunciated below.

  Vision Statement:

  Strive to become the premier Forum, promoting the developmentofexchange and cooperationamong China-ASEAN governments, legalcircleand business group, providing legal support for theall-rounddevelopment of each country within this region.

  Mission Statement:

  Towards realization of the Vision, the Forum will endeavorto:

  1. Provide a platform for high-level interactionsbetweenrepresentatives of Governments, legalcircle and businessgroup, tofurther mutual understanding of China-ASEAN legal cultureandfostera deeper sense of social responsibility amongstlegalorganizations within this region, contributingfor thepromotion ofpolitics, economics and culture development.

  2. Develop a good legal environment and help businessenterprisesto seek synergies duringthe processpromotion and growth.Createmore investment, trade and employmentopportunities,realizingtheharmonious development of politic,economic and society in theregion.

  3. Strengthen legal intellectual cultivation and humanresourcesdeveloping in this region.Further lawresearch on issuesofimportance and provide intellectual support in law field forothersocial groups.

  Strategies :

  The Forum will pursue its Mission through the adoptionandimplementation of appropriate strategies,which will include:

  1. Convene conferences, seminars and workshops on a regularbasis,to discuss important lawissues in the areas of politic,economic andculture etc.

  2.Complement other regional and international initiativestointensify and strengthen exchange andcooperation amonggovernments,business enterprises and law groups in matters oftradeandinvestment etc.

  3.Monitor any possible trend that impacts the healthydevelopmentof this region and organizeactivities in time to putforwardcountermeasure from legal view.

  4.Pursue both in-house and collaborative research activitiesthatwill contribute to the overallgoals of the Forum.

  5.Plan to establish a center for research and training toenhancethe research and service abilityof China-ASEANlawprofessional.

  We further agree that appropriate mechanisms be establishedtofulfill the ideals and tivesof the Top Forum.

  We are fully convinced that the Forum will makeactivecontribution for a more prosperous, stableand harmonioussituationin this region.



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