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The Third Globalization Forum on World Cultural Diversity 2005年10月20日16:17 人民网

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  The Press Conference of the Third Globalization Forum on World Cultural Diversity is held in Zhejiang Hall, the Great Hall of the People on October 19, 2005. Mr. HE Chongyuan, vice President of People’s Daily, Mr. Ye Ming, Vice Secretary-general of the CPC Hangzhou Municipal Committee and Mr. LUN Zhibiao, Vice

Chairman of the Globalization Cooperation Foundation gave presentations on the forum tenet, theme, topics and the preliminary program.

  The Third Globalization Forum on World Cultural Diversity is organized by People’s Daily, the Globalization Cooperation foundation and UNESCO’s Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity and is hosted by the Hangzhou People’s Municipal Government. The Forum will be held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China on November 8 and 9, 2005.

  With the theme of “Respect Cultural Diversity, Jointly Build a Harmonious World”, the Forum will carry discussions on the following topics, “Respect and Nurture cultural diversity, Push Forward Equal dialogues between Diverse Civilizations”, “Advocate New Civilization Concept, Build a Harmonious World”, “Opportunities and Challenges for Developing Cultural Diversity”, “Economic Globalization and Cultural Diversity”, “Creative City Development and Cultural Diversity”, “World Diversity and Recreation Industry Development”, and “Uniqueness of National Culture and Diversity of World Cultures”. About 180 guests including statesman, social activists, renowned specialists and scholars from both home and aboard and senior representatives from international organizations, and diplomats from Embassies in Beijing will attend the Forum.

  Hangzhou, the city awarded by the UN with “Best Human Residence Environment” and “International Garden City” will host the Forum. As the host, Hangzhou will organize a Show on Cultural Diversities on November 10, 2005 with packages of Traditional Culture, Modern Culture and Culture Elite, etc., besides her organization of a panel “ Cultural Diversity and the Development of Recreation Industry”. All guests and participants are welcomed to the Show and to the places of interests in Hangzhou.

  Today, multi-polorization, economic globalization and cultural diversity are the three major trends of the world’s development. Countries are increasingly interdependent on each other due to the economic globalization. Instead of cultural globalization or assimilation, identity of each ethnic group and differences between cultures still remain. The world culture is diversified and developing together. It’s of great significance to encourage dialogues and friendly coexistence between civilizations, to advocate open-minded and tolerant attitude toward different values and civilizations and to promote respect for independent choice of social system and development mode. All of these will help safeguard world peace and accelerate common prosperity.


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