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2005年12月大学英语六级标准答案(B卷)(2) 2005年12月26日14:46 人民网

  Passage Three

  18. B) Truancy

  19. D) Students with good attendance records

  20. D) Rewarding schools that have decreased the destruction

  Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)

  Passage one

  21. C) People can fully enjoy individual freedom.

  22. D) the more diligent one is, the bigger his returns

  23. B) became wealthy after starting life very poor

  24. A) Americans wish to succeed in every aspect of life

  25. D) What Americans strive after often contradicts their beliefs.

  Passage two

  26. C) the globalization of economy

  27. B) Information technology has removed the restrictions of time and space in business transactions

  28. A) it should not overlook the importance of information, services, support, and distribution

  29. B) can eliminate an entire business segment

  30. D) businesses have to meet individual customers’ specific needs in order to succeed

  Passage Three

  31.A) To discourage people from insisting on having grandchildren.

  32. B) draw attention to the troubles and difficulties grandchildren may cause

  33. D) they find it hard to resist the carrot-and-stick approach of their parents

  34. B) her parents kept pressuring her to have a child

  35. C) It is troublesome but rewarding.

  Passage four

  36. D) The reduction of public expenditure.

  37. B) obtain funding from the government

  38. C) They think they work in an environment hostile to the free pursuit of knowledge.

  39. D) they could be influenced by their association with the project concerned

  40. C) People would not believe scientists even when they tell the truth.


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