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就有关怒江建坝争议的报道致《纽约时报》 2006年01月10日08:11 人民网












  To the Editor:

  As one of those scholars who "toured the Nu and attracted wide public attention by attacking the environmentalists"(Rule by Law: Seeking a Public Voice on China's 'Angry River', by Jim Yardley, December 26, 2005), I feel obliged to correct the mistakes in Mr. Yardley's report.

  Much of its inaccuracy and misinformation could have been avoided if Mr. Yardley had paid any attention to my email reply to his questions dated December 7, 2005 (see the enclosure). However, writing as if none of opponents of the so-called "environmentalists" had answered his interview requests, Mr. Yardley had apparently ignored my opinions and reported only one side of story told by the "environmentalists".

  First of all, I would like to make it clear that the trip I attended was not "sponsored by dam developers" as Mr. Yardley reported, but by the National Hydropower and Water Resources Planning and Design General Institute. This institute was in charge of the environmental assessment report on the Nu River Project which the "environmentalists" now want to make public. Please note that the same institute also sponsored some "environmentalists" to visit the Nu River before our visit.

  The Nu River is not "one of only two free flowing rivers in China" as Mr. Yardley asserted. There are already two dams in the mainstream of the Nu River: Biru Dam (completed in 1990) and Chalong Dam (completed in 1995). In contrast to Mr. Yardley's assertion, the controversial new dams will not be built in the World Heritage Site area and will have little impact on the biodiversity of that area. In fact, the ecology and environment of the Nu River in the areas planned for the dams has been virtually destroyed because of over-exploitation (deforestation, farming, road building etc.) by local people during past few hundreds of years. The dam project may instead help restore the ecological system in ways such as stopping deforestation and farming by changing the life style of local people, and providing sufficient funds to protect local ecology.

  Further, Mr. Yardley reported: "Domestic media coverage has been banned in recent months."

  That is not true. There have been many reports on this controversy in national newspapers and magazines in mainland China during past months. Most of them supported the "environmentalists." Here are a few examples:

  Hydropower or Environment Protection? This Is a Question, by International Herald (Guoji Xianqu Daobao), Nov. 21, 2005.

  Controversy of the Nu River Reflects the Pain of Social Progress, by Science Times (Kexue Shibao), Nov. 7, 2005.

  "The Battle of Protecting the Nu River", Has the Situation Changed? by Chinese Business Weekly (Shangwu Zhoukan), Oct. 21, 2005.

  Mr. Yardley also reported: "But the Ministry of Water Resources, noting that government reports about international rivers were considered proprietary information, declared a small section of the assessment to be a state secret and forbade its release."

  This is not true either. The Ministry of Water Resources was not involved in this project or the controversy, and never made such declaration. The environmental assessment report of the Nu River Project as a whole was classified as confidential right after its completion, before the controversy even started, for a purely legal reason (talking about "Rule by Law"): One current Chinese law, enacted on Dec. 29, 2000, prescribes that scientific data about international rivers are confidential; and Nu River is an international river. To my knowledge, nothing in this report is secret or inappropriate to be known by the public. In fact, I will be glad to see that the environmental assessment report is made public, because I believe it will clarify the misinformation and misunderstandings about the dam project. Those "environmentalists" should have known this legal problem very well because some of them (e.g. Prof. Jiang Gaoming) participated in the assessment study and should have a copy of the report. If they do want the report to be publicized, they should have asked the government to change the law first. Therefore I believe their appeal has no merit except complicating the issue and misleading the public.

  Having been a loyal reader of the New York Times since I came to the US in 1990, I had often been citing the Times as the standard of good journalism when I criticized bad journalism of Chinese media. I certainly hope I can do the same in the future. Biased and inaccurate reports like this one will only hurt the credibility of the Times.




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