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长春市市长致辞 2006年01月15日00:04 新文化报










  Greetings From The

  Mayor of Changchun

  12th WWCAM Mayors' Conference will be held in Changchun, China in January 2006. On behalf of Changchun Municipal People's Government and myself , I would like to take this opportunity to extend my cordial congratulation to the successful opening of this meeting and my sincere welcome to all participating representatives and guests from all countries!

  Along with the Conference we will present World Winter Cities Trade Fair and World Winter Cities Forum. All the events are elaborated designed to cooperate with the Conference's Theme to provide every participant with interested topics and ways to challenge winter related problems. We sincerely encourage all guests to join us in those exciting activities.

  Changchun locates itself in China's Northeast. It is the capital city of Jilin Province and its political,economic and cultural center. Changchun is a young city full of unique characteristics, enjoying abundant natural resources, solid industrial and agricultural foundation, prosperous commerce and well developed sci-tech and education. Changchun has been honored by friends from domestic and abroad as the "Automobile City" , "Forest City", "Movie City", "City of Science and Technology" and "City of Sculpture". Changchun is also a newly growing up city for winter tourism , proudly owning two ski sites suitable for international events. The City had successfully hosted 8 ice and snow travel festivals and 3 Vasallopet International Festivals. After several years strengthening and widening the open-up to the outside, Changchun has achieved a higher level of opening up and became a regional center with fully optimized economic environment and increasing core competitive power. Now,the city attracts a large number of foreign investors and its outward-oriented economy is developing at a rapid speed. At present, Chinese government is implementing Revitalizing Northeast Old Industrial Bases strategy to promote regional economic development.

  Changchun, as one of the central cities in the Northeast, is certainly becoming the focus of domestic and foreign attention. Droved by the Nation's policies, all problems of economic system and mechanism restricting development are smoothly solved and economic potential is being substantially set free. The city's rapid development is showing people Changchun bears unprecedented vitality and energy.

  As a member of WWCAM, Changchun has always been supporting the association by actively participating in its events. We would like to continually push the sound development of WWCAM and contribute to the economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchange between its members.

  There is an old Chinese saying: You reap what you sow. We are looking forward to reaping while we concentrate on sowing. I firmly believe, with the conjunctive hard work from all sides, 2006 Changchun WWCAM Mayors' Conference will successfully bring us all anticipated outcome.

  may all representatives and guests enjoy your stay in Changchun!

  Zhu Yejing

  Mayor of Changchun

  December, 2005




  长春位于中国东北松辽平原腹地,地处东经124°18'~127°02'、北纬43°05'~ 45°15'之间,地表相对高差不超过40米~50米,地面坡度不超过4度~5度,海拔高度约为250米~350米之间。长春地处东北三省中心地带。作为吉林省省会,长春市被称为“汽车城”、“电影城”、“森林城”,是“国家园林城市”和“国家环保模范城市”。长春市气候宜人,素有“北国春城”的美誉,属大陆性季风气候区。由于地理位置、地形结构与大气环流相配合的作用,具有四季分明,春季较短、干燥多风,夏季温热多雨、炎热天气不多,秋季气爽、日夜温差大,冬季漫长较寒冷,最低温度-39.8℃,是典型的冬季城市。 Changchun City is situated at the heart of Song Liao Plains in northeastern China,and it's counties and districts are at 124°18'-127°02' east longitude, 43°05'-45°15' north latitude, and at 250 - 350 meters above the sea level. The city is at the center of the three northeast provinces。As the capital city of Jilin Province,Changchun has always been named as "Automobile City", "Movie City", "Forest City", "National Model City of Gardening" and "National Model City of Environmental Protection". Changchun enjoys four very clear different seasons with long winter. The lowest temperature in winter is -39.8℃, making the city a very typical winter city.(新闻编辑:曲兆佳)


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