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澳洲奶奶意外中百万大奖 2006年04月12日07:39 潇湘晨报


  刘佳 湖南农业大学2002级学生


  Mistake wins lottery millions for Australian granny

  An Australian grandmother who made a mistake filling out her usual lottery entry on a new form has won more than two million dollars (1.7 million US) as a result. The 79-year-old bought her usual 2.30 dollar ticket which allowed her four lines of numbers but accidentally duplicated one of the lines -- which happened to be the winner, the New South Wales Lotto organisers said.




  昨日关键词:fill out 填写


  Man Gets $218 Trillion Phone Bill

  A Malaysian man said he nearly fainted when he recieved a $218 trillion phone bill and was ordered to pay up within 10 days or face prosecution, a newspaper reported Monday.Yahaya Wahab said he disconnected his late father's phone line in January after he died and settled the $23 bill, the New Straits Times reported. But Telekom Malaysia later sent him a $218 trillion bill for recent telephone calls along with orders to settle within 10 days or face legal proceedings, the newspaper reported.



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