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宣传(双语加油站●跟我学) 2006年04月28日08:01 环球时报



  误译:The appearance of a new film will always be accompanied with a lot of propaganda.

  正译: 1) The appearance of a new film will always be accompanied with a
lot of publicity.2)The appearance of a new movie will always go together with a great deal of publicity.

  解释:汉语的“宣传”,强调对公众讲明一件事情。英语是propaganda、publicity。propaganda 的意思为 ideas or statements that may be false or exaggerated and that are used in order to gain support for a political leader or party, or to influence public opinion,即“宣传”指的是可能是虚假或夸张的想法或说法以及用来为一个政治领导人或政党获取支持或影响民意的想法或说法,显然是一个贬义词。例如:1. 这类广告制作只不过是一些宣传。This kind of advertising is nothing but propaganda.publicity有两层意思。一是the attention that is given to somebody/something by media,是“媒体给予的关注”,即“宣传报道”,是一个中性词。例如: 2. 这个案件已在这个国家引起了大量的宣传(报道)。The case has generated enormous publicity in this country.

  二是the business of attracting the attention of the public to somebody/something, the things that are done to attract attention,是“引起公众关注的事业或事情”,即“宣传工作”。例如:3. 他是干宣传(工作)的。 He works in publicity.4. 事先已经为这部新电影进行了大量的宣传(工作)。 There has been a lot of advance publicity for the new film. ▲




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