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进 球(双语加油站●跟我学) 2006年06月25日06:25 环球时报


  误译:He kicked the ball into the gate.

  正译:He kicked the ball into the goal.

  解释:这句话的“大门”是“球门”(goal)的意思,不是指建筑物的门(gate)。goal的第一个意思是“足球运动的球门”。例如:1. 欧文把球顶入空门。Owen headed the ball into an open goal. 2. 这位后卫把球顶进了自己的球门。The fullback headed the ball into his own goal.

  goal的第二个意思是“得分”。例如: 3. 罗纳尔多射入一个精彩进球。Ronaldo scored a brilliant/lovely goal. 4. 梅西为阿根廷队踢进第一个球。Messi scored the first goal for Argentina. 5. 制胜的一球是贝克汉姆踢进的。The winning goal was scored by Beckham.

  有时候进球也用名词score表达, 有“比分”的意思。动词 to score有“进球”、“得分”的意思。例如:6. 现在的比分是多少?What's the score now? 7. 最后进球数是澳大利亚3个,日本1个。The final score was Australia 3, Japan 1.

  8. 多么漂亮的一记进球!What a brilliant score!9. 下半场罗纳尔迪尼奥在离球门20米处踢进一球。Ronaldinho scored from a distance of twenty metres in the second half of the match. 10. 西班牙队在比赛最后一分钟进了一球。Spain scored in the final minute of the game. 11. 哪个球员在本赛季得分最多?Which player has scored the most goals this season? ▲



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