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头球未中(双语加油站●跟我学) 2006年07月06日01:30 环球时报



  误译:The striker missed the header.


  1) The striker headed the ball at the goal, but missed it.

  2) The striker's header missed the goal.

  解释:to head 有一个意思是“用头顶”。header 是“头球”的意思,又称head ball。to miss the header 的意思是“未能挡/接住头球”。例如:这位守门员未能挡/接住对方前锋的头球。The goalkeeper missed the header from the opponent striker.

  to head 还有一个意思是to move in a particular direction,即“朝……去”。例如:他朝公共汽车站走去。He headed for the bus stop.

  to head 的另一个意思是to lead or to be in charge of sth,即“领导”或“主管”。例如:他是该校英语系系主任。He heads the English Department of this university.

  to head 还有“居……之首”的意思,例如:两场比赛之后,德国名列榜首。Germany heads the table after two games.

  to head 还有个意思是“加……的标题”。例如:这一章的标题是“我的童年”。The chapter is headed “My Childhood”.

  diving header是“鱼跃顶球”, 而flying header是“跳起顶球” 或“跃起争顶”。heading skill 和heading technique 是“头球技术”。其他与“头球”相关的说法有:1. 这个球员用头把球顶回去。The player used his head to deflect the ball.

  2. 这个中锋用头顶球。The midfielder hit the ball with his head. ▲



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