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世界人口日(双语加油站●时代新语) 2006年07月13日23:02 环球时报


  开展全国人口普查 conduct national population census

  人口多,底子薄,人均资源相对不足,是中国的基本国情。China has a huge population, but a weak economic foundation with relatively inadequate resources pe

r capita. These are its basic national conditions.

  控制人口增长、提高人口素质 slow down population growth and improve its quality in terms of health and education

  晚婚晚育 late marriage and late childbearing

  流动人口 floating population

  老龄社会 an aging society

  发达国家“先富后老”。 Developed countries got rich before becoming aging societies.

  中国“未富先老”。 China has become an aging society while still developing.

  “空巢老人”(高龄独居老人) senior citizens living alone without their family members looking after them▲



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