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U.S. Poised to Expand Evacuation from Lebanon(双语加油站●时事追踪) 2006年07月22日06:29 环球时报

  The United States, poised to expand the evacuation of its citizens from Lebanon, sent nine Navy ships to the region and hired another passenger ship to ferry thousands to safety, U.S. officials said on Tuesday.

  As Israeli warplanes battered Lebanon, CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters flew about 120 U.S. citizens from Beirut to Cyprus, the Pentagon said, as offic

ials prepared for a bigger sea evacuation starting on Wednesday.

  Patrick Walsh, who heads U.S. naval forces in the region, said the plan was to evacuate Americans onto amphibious warships in the Mediterranean as well as private passenger ships sailing to Cyprus.




  美国驻该地区海军负责人帕特里克·沃尔什说,他们的计划旨在将美国人疏散至地中海上的两栖战舰以及驶往塞浦路斯的私人客轮上。 ▲

  关键词:1、evacuate 疏散,撤离2、amphibious warship两栖战舰

  (本栏目供稿:萧 涵)


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