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刷卡(双语加油站●跟我学) 2006年08月12日04:00 环球时报


  误译:Please brush your card when you get on the bus.

  正译:Please swipe your card (across the reader) when you get on the bus.

  解释:“把磁卡放入磁卡机划一下”,可以译为 to run/slide one’ s card through the reader;而“把磁卡贴近磁卡机”译为 to swipe one’s card across the reader。如果译为 brush your card,其意思是“用刷子刷你的卡”,则大错特错。

  例如:你需要刷卡才能进入这个大楼。You need to swipe your card to get in the building.

  只有刷过卡以后,自动取款机才会打开。The ATM only opens once the card has been swiped.

  “刷”的第一个基本意思是“用刷子或类似的工具,有时借助水,清除物体或容器的表面或里面的灰尘、污垢或油渍等,使之平整或干净”。英语用 to brush, to scrub, to scour, to clean, to wash等表达。

  例如:她刷掉她上衣的灰尘。She brushed the dust off her coat.

  这个酒吧服务员用漂白剂刷洗柜台。The bartender scrubbed the counter down with bleach.

  他刷掉夹克衫上的油渍。He scoured the grease off his jacket.

  “刷”的第二个意思是“用刷子或类似的工具,往物体上涂抹”。例如:他往蛋糕上刷黄油。1)He brushed butter over the cakes.

  2)He brushed the cakes with butter.

  “刷”的第三个意思是“淘汰”、“开除”。例如:这个选手在比赛第一轮中就被刷下来了。The player was eliminated in the first round of the match.

  他去年高考被刷了下来。Last year, he failed in the national

  entrance examination.

  他屡犯厂规,让厂里给刷了。As he violated the factory regulations time and again, he was laid off by the factory authorities.▲



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