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双语加油站●时事追踪 2006年08月31日23:36 环球时报

  Calderon Leads Mexico presidential Race After Partial Recount

  Mexico's ruling party candidate Felipe Calderon held onto his narrow lead in the disputed presidential election after a partial recount of votes, the top electoral court said Monday in a strong indication that he will be declared the winner.

  Calderon's leftist challenger Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador reacted to the court's announcement in outrage, calling on supporters never to accept Calderon as president and asking them to decide if he should form a parallel government or carry on a nationwide campaign of protests. "We will never allow an illegal and illegitimate government to be installed in our country," he told thousands gathered in Mexico City's central plaza, calling acceptance of Calderon tantamount to a coup d'etat.




  关键词:1、tantamount to 等同于,无异于2、parallel government 平行政府

  (本栏目供稿:萧 涵)


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