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形式各样的“否定”说法(双语加油站●闲话美语) 2006年09月02日03:57 环球时报

  我们都知道,英语里否定就是 “No”。但在下列的一些例句里,虽然都没有No,但意思都是否定的,有些说法从表面意义看,不知情的还以为是肯定的意思呢,比如:

  1.——Now that your daughter is out of college, you can heave a sigh of relief. Right?现在,你的女儿大学毕业了,你可以松一口气了吧?(意为不用再供孩子上学了)

  ——Hardly. 根本谈不上。

  She is going to graduate school!


  2.——I hear your brother has made the track team; he probably will break the school record for 100 meters sprint this time. 听说,你弟弟进了田径队,这次他破100米短跑纪录有望了。

  ——Fat chance! 门都没有!There are five members on the team who are faster than him.队里有五个人都比他跑得快呢!

  3.——Mary’s nose is in the cloud these days since she married that rich guy. 玛丽自从嫁给那个阔佬以后,尾巴翘到天上去了。

  ——Big deal! 那算什么!Jean’s husband is 10 times richer, but she never puts on air.人家珍妮的老公那么有钱,也不见珍妮有一点傲气。

  4.——Everyone knows that you’ve received a large inheritance from your grandparents. You can retire now. 大家都知道,你从祖父母那里得到一大笔遗产。你现在可以退休在家享清福了吧!

  ——Yeah right! 开什么玩笑!Retire and live on $10,000 for life? 退休,就指望那1万美元过一辈子?▲



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