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遛弯儿(双语加油站●跟我学) 2006年09月07日00:02 环球时报


  误译:Every morning he strolls for a lap in the park.

  正译:Every morning he takes a stroll around the park.

  解释:lap 专指运动场围着跑道的一圈,与竞赛有关。而“遛一圈”指的是“围着公园或在公园里散步”,与lap无关。

  “遛”的第一个意思是“慢步走”或“散步”。英语可以用to walk in a slow relaxed way, to stroll, to take a stroll, to go for a stroll或 to saunter表示。例如:他感觉闷得慌,就出去遛遛。As he felt bored, he went outside to take a stroll.

  他正两手插在衣袋里遛马路。He was sauntering down the road with his hands in his pockets.

  许多老年人有遛早儿的习惯。Many old people have the habit of taking a stroll early in the morning.

  “遛”的第二个意思是“牵着动物或提着鸟笼慢步走”。英语用to walk an animal表示。例如:在我们小区里遛狗的人越来越多。There are more and more people who walk their dogs in our residential area.

  每天早上,这位老人到附近的树林里遛鸟。Every morning the old man goes for a walk in the nearby woods, carrying his pet bird in a cage.▲



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