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人人争当特奥志愿者 2006年10月16日09:00 解放日报


A: Why didn’t you join in the party yest-erday?

  A: 昨天你为什么不来参加聚会?

  B: I went to pick up the Special Olympics athletes of the United States at Pudong International Airport.

  B: 我去浦东机场迎接来自美国的特奥


  A: What will they do in Shanghai?

  A: 他们来上海干嘛?

  B: They come to attend 2006 Special Oly-mpics Shanghai Invitational Games. I am the Special Olympics volunteer with responsi-bility for receiving them.

  B: 他们来参加2006年特奥会上海国际邀请赛,我是负责接待他们的特奥志愿者。

  A: That’s great! I want to be a volun-teer, too.

  A: 真棒!我也想做志愿者。

  B: The 2007 World Summer Games will be held in Shanghai, we need volunteers to parti-cipate and contribute. I hope you will join us.

  B: 明年上海将举办世界特殊奥运会,我们需要志愿者的参与与奉献,我希望你能加入我们的行列。

  A: I will.

  A: 好!


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