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Saddam verdict may be delayed: prosecutor (双语加油站●时事追踪) 2006年11月02日00:05 环球时报

  A court trying Saddam Hussein for crimes against humanity could delay its verdict by a few days, the chief prosecutor said on Sunday, in a move that would shift the announcement until after U.S. midterm elections.

  The U.S.-backed court had been due to deliver a verdict on November 5, two days before the U.S. elections in which President George W. Bush's Republica

ns fear they could lose control of Congress.

  The chief prosecutor, Jaafar al-Moussawi, said the Iraqi High Tribunal was still working on the judgment. "We will know a day or two before the trial if they are ready to announce the verdict," Moussawi said.

  Saddam could go to the gallows if he is found guilty over his role in the killing of 148 Shi'ite Muslims in the village of Dujail.






  关键词:gallows绞刑(本栏目供稿:萧 涵)


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