

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年12月17日09:41  国际在线



  国务院新闻办公室主任王晨在新年招待会上致辞(摄影 杨同贺)



  国务院新闻办公室主任 王晨










  Address by Minister Wang Chen at New Year’s Reception

  (December 16, 2008)

  Ladies and gentlemen,

  Dear friends:

  Good evening!

  Today, I have great pleasure to meet with you when the New Year is drawing closer. First of all, on behalf of the State Council Information Office, I wish to extend warm welcome to foreign diplomats, press officials and friends from Chinese and international media circles.

  The year 2008 stands as a very unusual and eventful year for China and the Chinese people. Over the past year, we have gone through a series of unexpected, rare and severe challenges. In the beginning of the year, we suffered low temperature, snow and ice storms in southern China. On March 14th, a riot involving assaults, vandalism, looting and arson erupted in Lhasa. On May 12th, a massive earthquake hit Wenchuan in Sichuan Province. Then, we hosted Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. In a word, we experienced major events and emergencies one after another. In face of grave natural disasters and volatile international situation, the Communist Party of China and the Chinese Government have shown strong leadership in mobilizing the Chinese people to enhance confidence and work hard with one heart and one mind. We successfully hosted Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, accomplished the mission of Shenzhou No.7 manned spacecraft, hosted the Seventh ASEM Summit and other international events. We have also maintained steady and fast economic development. The success we achieved demonstrates the economic power China has attained over the past three decades of reform and opening-up, indicates the right choice of pursuing socialism with Chinese characteristics and highlights the great spirit of the Chinese nation—bravery and self-dependence.

  Over the past year, the State Council Information Office, following the principle of timeliness, accuracy, openness and transparency, has held more than 80 press conferences covering a wide range of issues such as economic operation, earthquake and disaster relief operations, and protection of intellectual property rights. We have organized Chinese and foreign journalists to cover events on-site, and worked with other departments and local governments to provide journalists with information on China’s political, economic and social developments, to present the true situation in China and to explain the positions and policies of the Chinese Government. We have also conducted frank dialogues, sincere exchanges and fruitful cooperation with foreign media and governmental information institutions, thereby enhancing mutual understanding and trust. In this process, we have enjoyed the support and cooperation from Chinese and foreign journalists. I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to extend heart-felt thanks to all friends present here.

  The year 2009 marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and is a crucial year to implement the Eleventh Five-Year Plan. Under the circumstances of severe economic challenges, we will expand domestic needs to maintain steady and fast economic growth, and speed up the change of development mode and economic restructuring to achieve sustainable development. We will also deepen reform and opening-up to strengthen the vitality and dynamics of China’s socio-economic development, and intensify social construction to resolve those difficult and hot issues involving the interest of common people, so as to promote a stable and rapid socio-economic development. The responsibility of the State Council Information Office is to introduce a true China to the world. Through our work, the world will better understand China, and China will better understand the world. We will adhere to the policy of opening-up, and take a more positive attitude to implement the regulation on reporting activities by foreign press institutions and journalists in China. We will provide information on China’s socio-economic developments in a comprehensive, timely and accurate manner. We welcome more foreign journalists to China to cover events here, and are ready to provide even better service to Chinese and foreign media.

  Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends: Christmas is just a few days away and the New Year is coming soon. I would like to extend season’s greetings to all of you in advance. I wish you good health and good luck in everything!

  Last but not least, I propose a toast for our better cooperation in the next year.


  Thank you!

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