


  Britain′s oldest newlyweds

  Long-distance love is tiring for anyone, but for 95-year-old Edna Holford and her 88-year-old toy boy Harry Corton the 700-mile round trip was taking its toll.So when Harry, from West York shire,proposed to his southern belle this year his Cornish girlfriend didn’t hesitate to say yes.

  The couple C who have a com bined age of 183 years - met at a tea dance in Brighton five years ago and would make the epic 700-mile trip three or four times a year.

  每日提示:newlyweds 新婚夫妇




  这对夫妇——两人的年龄加起来有183岁了——五年前在布赖顿的茶舞会上遇见,而且决定完成每年三到四次700英里旅行的壮举。 (长沙市劳动西路佳逸豪园 彭迎 奖励30元)


  Girl saved by her father after she climbed into bear's pen

  A girl of three has been mauled by a bear after she climbed into a pen in a zoo.The toddler’s life was saved by her father who clambered over a fence to the brave the angry animal in Germany.

  The incident occurred when the 34-year-old man, his wife and their two children were visiting the Luenebach zoo in southwest Germany on Wednesday afternoon.While her parents were not watching, the girl scrambled over the approximately 3-foot high fence and fell into a moat.


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