

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年05月15日08:31  深圳特区报



  Sino-European Cultural Industries Cooperation Forum

  Nurturing entrepreneurship culture in start-up enterprises

  ■ 深圳特区报记者 孙锦

  IT is almost a coincidence that several experts from European creative and cultural sectors expressed the significance of cultivating the entrepreneurship culture when they attended the Sino-European Cultural Industries Cooperation Forum.

  Mario Rubert, Deputy managing director of International Economic Relations City of Barcelona put much of his emphasis on cultivating the brand of the city, particularly the innovation culture and diversity of opportunities. Barcelona encourages entrepreneurship activities. Each year there will be over 30 activities oriented to all circles of life including immigrants. The strong ambience of entrepreneurship is beneficial for drawing global talents, therefore the immigrants account for 16% of the population in Barcelona.

  High standard of living is also the key in building up the culture of a city. “In my view, high standard of living not just means sun, beach and golf but signifies life security, the realization of life value and access to useful information and knowledge,” Rubert emphasized that the city's decision makers should pay attention to the spiritual enjoyment instead of material one.

  “For the creative industry, it is a misconception that China lags behind in this field compared with EU,”Philippe Kern, Founder of KEA, expressed that both China and EU started at the similar level and should provide more support for the small- and medium-sized enterprises.

  Founded in 1999, KEA is a research and consulting center in cultural and creative sectors. Kern accumulated extensive experience in the research of the latest trend of global creative industry, European culture and public relations. “95% of culture-related companies and organizations in EU are small- and medium-sized, the same thing happens in China,”Kern proposed that if you want to promote the trade exchanges, you must first pay attention to these enterprises.

  “Small- and medium-sized enterprises need government guidance and support,”Kern told the journalist that the European countries like Spain, Germany and France left free and tolerant space for artists like music players and authors to let their creativity run wildly. Kern suggested both China and EU should make use of existing platforms such as different kind of trade fairs to show their respective products so that they can open up more opportunities for bilateral trade in the creative industry.

  (Sun Jin)








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