

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年05月15日08:31  深圳特区报



  Marianne Gumaelius First Counselor Head of Trade and Investment Section Delegation of the European Union to China

  Exploring a new trade channel for China and EU culture

  “WE can make use of the cross culture exchanges to facilitate the culture cooperation between China and EU, ”Marianne Gumaelius,First Counselor, Head of Trade and Investment Section, Delegation of the European Union to China hoped that a new channel can be set up to develop the trade of culture products via more frequent exchanges between peoples from EU and China.

  “Creative industry is a very special industry with unique demand,” Gumaelius expressed that EU has been keeping a close watch at the creative industry. She shared with journalist the latest report issued by EU about creative industry: The capacity of the creative industry reaches a total of 650 billion euros, which accounts for 2.6% of the GDP in EU, almost as competitive as the auto industry.

  The creative industry in Europe is mainly driven by the small and medium sized enterprises, Gumaelius said the EU injected a certain sum of money to create the project called “Creative Europe”which also aims to strengthen the ties between Europe and Asia. The EU also has mapped out a plan for the creative industry to go international, and she commented that the form that ICIF sponsored is crucial either from the view of policy or from the politics.

  (Sun Jin)

  ■ 深圳特区报记者 孙锦





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