

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年05月15日08:31  深圳特区报



  T.B Ekanayake Minister of Culture Affairs

  More Sri Lanka films to make appearance in Chinese cinemas

  ■ 深圳特区报记者 孙锦 文/图

  LOCATED in the southern part of Asia, Sri Lanka made a name for itself with the mysterious beauty and all kinds of diamonds. However, few Chinese know about the country's films. Mr. T.B Ekanayake, Sri Lanka's Minister of Culture Affairs, expressed his view that Sri Lanka seeks more film marketing agencies to promote their films to increase its global box office appeal.

  Ekanayake brought with him a star-studded cast of film directors. “Many people know about our traditional dancing, but actually we have a very developed film industry, ” Ekanayake told the journalist that they produce an average of 25 films each year, and 6 of them can capture different kinds of international awards. Sri Lanka wants to earn the reputation of high quality of film instead of high quantity.

  “We will learn from successful practice of China’s film marketing and introduce related talents from ICIF,” Ekanayake held that Sri Lanka will use the platform of ICIF to further promote the cultural cooperation between China and Sri Lanka via exchanges in the film industry. (Sun Jin)





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