

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年05月15日08:31  深圳特区报


深圳文博宫古风浓郁。深圳特区报记者 陈富 摄

  Highlights of SZ cultural industry

  City of design


  Shenzhen was accepted as a member of Creative Cites Network by UNESCO on Nov. 19 2008 and named a UNESCO City of Design becoming the first Chinese city to win the honor. It is the sixth city in the world to earn this title.


  Cartoon and animation base


  One of China's cartoon and animation industry base Shenzhen was the first city to mass-produce cartoons for foreign companies. The city has been home to 70 percent for China's cartoon and animation artists since the first Hong Kong-invested animation company was established in the city in the mid-1980s. Today the city is an important base for cartoon and animation production in the world turning out cartoons 3D animation and software for computer games.


  Dafen oil painting village


  Located in Buji Subdistrict Longgang District the 4-squar-kilometer village is the world's largest mass producer of oil paintings - a virtual art factory. Originally conceived by a Hong Kong businessman who began production with a dozen artists in 1989 the village has grown in leaps and bounds over the past 20 years. About 15000 artists and craftsmen work in more than 40 factories and 800 studios and workshops.

  大芬油画村位于龙岗区布吉街道,面积4平方公里,是世界上最大的油画集中制造地。1989年,一位香港商人最早开始带领十几个艺术家在这里开始油画制作。20年来,大芬村的油画制作发展迅猛。现在有1.5万名艺术家和技师在此建立了40多家工厂,800多个工作室或工作坊。 (范京蓉)


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