

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年05月15日08:31  深圳特区报




  Nurturing consumer market for creative industry

  “SHENZHEN can strengthen its leading position in the global creative culture industry by attracting international culture talents and nurturing the consumers market for culture products, ”Xu Bo, special advisor to the assistant director-general for strategic planning, UNESCO expressed this view when he attended the Sino-European Cultural Industries Cooperation Forum.

  As a diplomat, Xu Bo has a chance to work abroad and he spoke highly of the platform that the ICIF has created for the experts of culture industry from home and abroad to gather together. “At present, Shenzhen should learn from those metropolis like London, New York and Berlin and lower the access of culture talents, ”Xu said. He held that even if the government has to inject a large sum of financial resources at the start-up stage for those young people not recognized yet, it is worthwhile when finally some of them can really emerge to be big names in the culture and design field.

  As the very first special economic zone, Shenzhen boasts relatively high consumer capacity, which is an advantage for developing the market for culture products. It is very essential to nurture the soil for every creative seed to blossom. Since the whole creative industry is still on the start-up stage in China, if Shenzhen can succeed in creating the market for culture products, it will definitely take a lead of creative industry development in China and even worldwide. (Sun Jin)

  ■ 深圳特区报记者 孙锦





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