

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年05月15日08:31  深圳特区报


版画技师正在创作。邱海彬 摄
精美珠宝吸引眼球。郑东升 摄

  Chengyu Xiong:Differences bring opportunities

  “The cultural industries in China are young with a short history of about 7 or 8 years, while Europe boasts for its developed cultural industries resulted from an effort over ten years. But we have a huge market that Europe is yearning for. These differences can create unlimited opportunities for both parties in the cooperation in this field.”Professor Chengyu Xiong, Director of National Research Center for Cultural Industry Tsinghua summarized his point of view at the beginning of the interview.

  He illustrated that there are mainly three differences in the development of cultural industries between China and Europe. First, the industral structures are different: it’s larger in China, consisting of creative service, production and sale, which are implemented in mass media, publishing, broadcasting, television & movie, exhibition and advertising, while Europe focuses on creative service which is transmitted in design and advertising and implemented in performance arts, television & movie, and sports. Secondly, the organizations are different: the medium and small-sized enterprises have formed the backbones in the development in Europe, while China relies on mainly the big state-owned enterprises. Thirdly, the development stages are different: Europe, who has acquired a large amount of intellectual property rights can have the products made anywhere, while the products in China are made locally, which means that there’s still much room for improvement in the production of original works and the pursuit of the value in the intellectual property rights.

  In Professor Xiong’s opinion, the development of the cultural industries in China needs a transfer from production to service and the pursuit of the value in property rights. In the process, China can learn from Europe’s successful experiences. In the mean time,the huge market in China can provide what Europe needs most. Naturally, the cooperation between the two parties can create unlimited opportunities and mutual benefits in due course.

  When talking about the cultural industries in Shenzhen, Professor Xiong commented,“the China International Cultural Industries Fair is first hosted in Shenzhen and Shenzhen has successfully explored the market-oriented operation through this platform and attracted a large crowd including famous experts and authorities. However, further down-to-earth work and more fruitful practice needs to be carried out.”(Wei Ouyang)








  (深圳特区报记者 欧阳炜)


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