

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年05月15日08:31  深圳特区报


歌舞表演。齐洁爽 摄

  Cultural trade develops rapidly

  Sino-European Cultural Industries Cooperation Seminar & Workshop was held in Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center. Director of Department of Trade in Services under Ministry of Commerce of PRC, Vice Mayor of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government,and Director of National Research Center for Cultural Industry Tsinghua attended the seminar and gave a speech respectively. A piece of important information was revealed at the seminar: Bank of Beijing has set up a special loan for the cultural industries in China.

  Liujun Zhou, Director of Department of Trade in Services under Ministry of Commerce of PRC said, with the cultural system reform of China going in depth, the government of China has paid special attention to the development in cultural industries and strongly encourages the enterprises concerned to cooperate with the overseas developed countries by various forms including equity, holding and joint ventures so as to promote the export of the cultural products. The cultural industries have developed rapidly in recent years in China with a yearly 11.8% increase in import & export trade of the key cultural products and a yearly 21.1% increase in import & export trade of the cultural service.

  Yihuan Wu, Vice Mayor of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government said, after 8 years' development, China(Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair has become the first exhibition in the cultural industries in China with strong support from various parties concerned. The total turnover of this fair has risen from 35.69 billion yuan in 2004 to 108.856 billion yuan in 2010 and is estimated to surmount 115 billion yuan this year. The number of exhibitors attending the fair has increased from over 700 to 1896 in the 7th term. As one of the hosts, Ministry of Commerce of PRC has provided continuous strategic support for this fair in overseas investment and international cooperation. Through the collaboration between Department of Trade in Services under Ministry of Commerce of PRC and Delegation of the European Union to China, Sino-European Cultural Industries Cooperation Seminar & Workshop will further promote the exchange in the cultural industries between China and Europe, expand the international influence of the fair and upgrade the brand image of Shenzhen.

  Chengyu Xiong, Director of National Research Center for Cultural Industry Tsinghua revealed that the government of China has set up a clear goal for the cultural industries in China—— a pillar industry, which means that the turnover is targeted at 5% in GDP ( the present turnover is less than 2.5% in GDP) and could stimulate the unlimited imagination of the cultural enterprises both in China and the world. In order to help realize this goal, Bank of Beijing has designed an unprecedented loan in the world for the cultural industries and has set up a special office to promote this work, encouraged by the Guidelines issued by 9 ministries and committees together last year including the People's Bank of China, CBRC and CSRC.

  (Wei Ouyang)





  (深圳特区报记者 欧阳炜)


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