

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年05月16日11:15  国际在线







  Support for Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has dropped to a record low, latest polls showed on Monday.

  The latest Newspoll, published in The Australian newspaper on Monday, showed Labor continues to lag behind the coalition on a two-party preferred basis, 54 to 46 percent.

  For the first time, Abbott has a higher approval rating than Gillard, whose support has hit a personal low.

  It showed Gillard's satisfaction rate has dropped four percentage points to 34 percent in the past fortnight, her lowest level since February when it was 50 percent.

  Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's satisfaction rating remains steady at 38 percent, down four points in the past fortnight.

  Meanwhile, the Nielsen poll, published on Monday's Fairfax newspapers, The telephone poll of 1400 voters, taken from Thursday night to Saturday night, showed Labor's primary vote is still at 31 percent while the Opposition is 47 percent.


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