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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004年04月30日13:43 新浪网


  Wang Yu, a girl at 17, second-year high school student. She has been suf
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fering from a fever since March 6, 2004. Up to now, the high temperature has been lasting for 50 days. She has been hospitalized in a renowned hospital in Beijing where she was given various medical treatments, but to no effect. The worst of it is that the high temperature led to severe complications including Pleural Effusion, ascites, intestinal adhesion and intestinal obstruction, etc. Currently, she is undergoing an emergency treatment. However, no medical treatment could mitigate the sufferings of the high fever of the young girl. The patient's condition is critical. Please offer you kind assistance to the girl in need. If you have any clues to help the girl, please contact Mr. Liu at 13909507007.

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