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北京国际车展报道 全国车迷北京看热闹(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004年06月13日02:01 北京娱乐信报









  实习记者李曼青 于 彬

  吴 皓 田 园 赵珂冰

  People will not never meet because ofdistance.Yesterday was thefourth day of Beijing Auto Show, manypeople come to visit the AutoShow from all directions,some of themeven come here by renting theplane in order to save thetime.

  Coming to visit from Bao Ding every day

  There are somepeople are researching carefully on the side of thecar.They areengineers of Bao Ding Great Wall Auto Company.They wantto learnsome new knowledge.The leader of them told reporter,about20persons of their company come to visit every morning,and go backinthe evening.Sometimes they forget to have lunch at noon.Andother20 persons come here in the second day.After abouttenminutes,Mr.Li said to the reporter:″we have to visit quickly,weareafraid of regret because we can not finishi the visiting.

  A familyfrom Ning Xia province

  ″Mum,I like this″A lovely voice attractthe attention of thereporter.As a matter of fact,this is a familyfrom Ning XiaProvince.The little girl who is five years old isexcited when shesaw her favorite car.Mrs.Zhou said:″We come to theShow in order toknow some new car which made in China.We havebought a FIT,but wewill consider changing a new one if there issuitable type.″

  A worker of the park of Exhibition Centre said tothe reporterthat the park has been filled at 8:00 in themorning.From thelicense we can see that a quarter of cars are fromout ofBeijing.The cars are drived from An Hui pronvice and ZheJiangpronvice.

  Coming to visit by air in order to save time

  Thereporter saw a visitor who walked quickly,he is a busy managerof aAuto sale company of Gang Zhou.After the meeting of the morninghebought the air ticket to come here.Because he had to admitacustomer,he had booked the ticket for going back.

  The worker ofthe show told the reporter that at the first day ofthe show,acompany came to visit by renting a plane.It seems thatthe fansspend a lot of money for visiting the Auto Show.

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