据法新社8月12日报道,由于身患癌症,玻利维亚前总统班塞尔于8月6日正式辞职,时任副总统的基罗加7日宣誓就职总统。他在就职演说中表示,他将带领玻利维亚人民实现社 会的安定和国家的繁荣。
1.基罗加说:“如果一个自由社会无法帮助占人口大多数的穷人,她也无法挽救占少数的富人。”(If a free society cannot help the poor who form the majority, it will also be unable to save the rich, who remain the minority.)
肯尼迪说:“如果一个自由社会无法帮助大量的穷人,她也无法挽救少量的富人。”(If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.)
2.基罗加说:“指挥棒已经被传到了新一代的手中。”(The baton has been passed to a new generation。)
肯尼迪说:“让消息现在从这里传开,传向我们的朋友和敌人,(告诉他们)火炬已经传到了新一代美国人民的手中。”(Let word go forth from this time and place,to friend and foe alike,that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans。)
3.基罗加说:“团结起来,我们就可以做到任何事情;分裂,我们就什么也做不了。”(United we can do everything, divided-nothing)
肯尼迪说:“团结起来,我们几乎没有什么做不到的;分裂,我们几乎什么也做不了。”(United,there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided,there is little we can do.)
4.基罗加说:“我们永远不要害怕进行谈判,但我们永远不会由于害怕或受到强制而进行谈判。”(We will never have fear to negotiate,but we will not negotiate out of fear or coercion.)
肯尼迪说:“让我们永远不要由于害怕而进行谈判。但我们永远不要害怕进行谈判”(Let us never negotiate out of fear.But let us never fear to negotiate.)(董志新)
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