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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002年12月18日08:25 中国日报网站

  中国日报网站消息:美国总统布什12月17日发表声明,下令军方着手部署导弹防御系统,以预防大规模杀伤性武 器对美国造成“灾难性破坏”。以下是布什声明的全文:

  当我就职以来,我曾经承诺要调整美国国家安全战略和防御能力,以应对21世纪的威胁。今天,我很高兴地宣布, 我们将采取另一项重大举措,即部署导弹防御系统以应对威胁和保护美国、我们的友邦以及盟国。这些初步的防御系统源自我 们的研究和发展项目
,基于我们建设中的试验场。虽然能力并不强大,但它们将加强美国的国家安全,而且将成为一个起点, 为将来进一步改进与提高防御能力奠定基础。美国将根据威胁的变化,进一步推动研究和发展导弹防御技术。

  自冷战之后世界局势发生了重大的变化,2001年9月11日发生的事件更是说明我们国家面临着空前的威胁。为 了更好地保护我们的国家抵御今天和明天的威胁,我的政府已经制定了一套新的国家安全战略,出台了新的辅助性战略,以使 我们的国家更加安全和对抗大规模杀伤性武器。在我执政期间,我已清楚地表明,美国将采取一切必要措施保护民众免遭可能 是各种威胁中最严重的威胁——拥有大规模杀伤性武器和运载工具的敌对国家或恐怖组织所带来的灾难性破坏。

  建立导弹防御系统在这种努力中将起到至关重要的作用。美国已经跨出了1972年《反弹道导弹》条约所反映出的 “冷战”威慑理论。同时,我们还同俄罗斯建立了积极的双边关系,这包括在反恐以及其它双方共同关心的领域的合作。我们 对威慑的概念有了新的认识,认为导弹防御系统能够加强我们对那些试图用导弹袭击我们的坏人的威慑。我们退出《反弹道导 弹》条约,使得我们能够充分地研究和试验导弹防御技术和部署导弹防御系统,保护我们的领土和城市。

  我已经要求国防部长开始初步构建导弹防御能力,我们计划在2004年和2005年使用这种能力,它们将包括陆 基和海基拦截导弹,另外还有“爱国者三号”系统以及部署在陆地、海洋和太空的传感器。

  由于21世纪的威胁还危及到我们在世界各地的友邦和盟国,因此我们共同合作对它们提供防御是十分必要的。国防 部研究和部署的导弹防御系统不仅能够保护美国和美国的军队,还将能够保护我们的盟国。美国还将以鼓舞其他国家积极参与 的方式实施导弹防御项目。作为我们构建初步导弹防御能力的一部分内容,我们将邀请我们的盟国发挥重大的作用,美国为此 将寻求英国和丹麦改善其领土上的预警雷达系统。

  21世纪的新的战略威胁要求我们换一种思考方式,它们还要求我们必须行动起来。部署导弹防御系统是我们调整防 御和威慑政策以及增强应对新威胁能力的众多努力之一。保护美国人民免遭新的威胁是作为总司令的我的最优先考虑,也是我 的政府的最优先考虑。


  When I came to office, I made a commitment to transform America's national security strategy and defense capabilities to meet the threats of the 21st century. Today, I am pleased to announce that we will take another important step in countering these threats by beginning to field missile defense capabilities to protect the United States, as well as our friends and allies. These initial capabilities emerge from our research and development program and build on the test bed that we have been constructing. While modest, these capabilities will add to America's security and serve as a starting point for improved and expanded capabilities later, as further progress is made in researching and developing missile defense technologies and in light of changes in the threat.

  September 11, 2001 underscored that our Nation faces unprecedented threats, in a world that has changed greatly since the Cold War. To better protect our country against the threats of today and tomorrow, my Administration has developed a new national security strategy, and new supporting strategies for making our homeland more secure and for combating weapons of mass destruction. Throughout my Administration, I have made clear that the United States will take every necessary measure to protect our citizens against what is perhaps the gravest danger of all: the catastrophic harm that may result from hostile states or terrorist groups armed with weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them.

  Missile defenses have an important role to play in this effort. The United States has moved beyond the doctrine of Cold War deterrence reflected in the 1972 ABM Treaty. At the same time we have established a positive relationship with Russia that includes partnership in counterterrorism and in other key areas of mutual concern. We have adopted a new concept of deterrence that recognizes that missile defenses will add to our ability to deter those who may contemplate attacking us with missiles. Our withdrawal from the ABM Treaty has made it possible to develop and test the full range of missile defense technologies, and to deploy defenses capable of protecting our territory and our cities.

  I have directed the Secretary of Defense to proceed with fielding an initial set of missile defense capabilities. We plan to begin operating these initial capabilities in 2004 and 2005, and they will include ground-based interceptors, sea-based interceptors, additional Patriot (PAC-3) units, and sensors based on land, at sea, and in space.

  Because the threats of the 21st century also endanger our friends and allies around the world, it is essential that we work together to defend against them. The Defense Department will develop and deploy missile defenses capable of protecting not only the United States and our deployed forces, but also our friends and allies. The United States will also structure our missile defense program in a manner that encourages industrial participation by other nations. Demonstrating the important role played by our friends and allies, as part of our initial missile defense capabilities, the United States will seek agreement from the United Kingdom and Denmark to upgrade early-warning radars on their territory.

  The new strategic challenges of the 21st century require us to think differently, but they also require us to act. The deployment of missile defenses is an essential element of our broader efforts to transform our defense and deterrence policies and capabilities to meet the new threats we face. Defending the American people against these new threats is my highest priority as Commander-in-Chief, and the highest priority of my Administration.

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